USA Homeowner Mailing Lists

150 Million Homeowners Database

Marketing365 offers a database of over 150 Million Homeowners. We offer a vast array of selection criteria including age, presence of children, household income and more. Reach these amazing prospects with a Marketing365 Homeowner Mailing List, tailored to your specific marketing needs. We help you decide which factors play an important role in today’s homeowner buying trends. Are you looking for new lead sources for direct mail marketing? This valuable file allows you to reach consumers with expenses that homeowners can not live without. Marketing365 experts can help you refine your search criteria to fit your target market and ideal prospects.

Targeted Homeowners Marketing in 2019

Marketing365 knows the importance of understanding the current Homeowner Buying Trends. Age demographic spending habits can be incredibly helpful as tool to optimize your targeted marketing campaign. When purchasing a home, each generation will make a buying decision based on a different set of needs and wants. So, Marketing365 helps you break it down.

Here are the generational breakdowns:

Millennials: Born 1980-2000 (age 35 & younger)
Gen X: Born 1965-1979 (age 36 – 50)
Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (age 51 – 69)
Silent Gen: Born 1925-1945 (age 70 – 90)

Homeowner Buying Trends

When purchasing a home, each generation will make a buying decision based on a different set of needs and wants. Traditionally, before a home purchase, a Gen X or Millennial with children will evaluate the schools in the area, nearby activities for their children and research the overall safety of the neighborhood. While Millennial and Gen X buyers without children may tend to evaluate their home purchase based on how far away restaurants, night life and the gym are.

Millennials are more likely to weigh a home buying decision on commuting costs or the proximity of their job to the home. Baby Boomers and the Silent Gens tend to place a higher priority on convenience to family and friends, shopping centers, and convenience to health care facilities. Don’t let your competition get these hot prospects before you do. Reach this extremely responsive market with a Marketing365 Homeowner Mailing List. We update our Homeowners Database every week to ensure you get the most up-to-date information available.

Target Homeowners using our Homeowner Mailing List search criteria including:

  • Home Value: Target your audience with home value selections. The value of a prospect’s home is an excellent predictor of their ability to buy.
  • Length of Residence: The longer someone’s lived in a house, the more they will spend on remodeling, repair, maintenance, new furniture, lawn care, landscaping and much more. Also, length of residence is a good indicator of economic stability.
  • Age and Gender: Age and gender of homeowners can be used for targeting the right message to the right prospects, helping to create just the right homeowners mailing list.
  • Household Size: The number of people in a household can be used for targeting the right message to the right prospect.
  • Presence of Children: There are a lot of expenses associated with raising a child, money that simply has to be spent. From diapers to degrees, toddler toys to computer games, toy drums to violin lessons, homeowners with children are ready to give their kids the things they need to succeed.

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